
Kitchen With Colorful Patterned Roman Shades

This post will show you how to add color and pattern to your kitchen with colorful Roman shades. You can use these same techniques in any room in your house, or even make a patterned cover for your car.

These shades are easy breezy to put up and take down, too, which is important when you have a small kitchen. This project also teaches you a few steps that will turn any old window into an amazing focal point for more light penetration. (It also creates a nifty new place to stash your towel.)

First, you need to pick out your materials. The main tools you will be using are a serger (overlock machine) and a regular sewing machine. If neither of these are available to you, you can use a sewing machine with thread that is made for the serger (it’s teflon-coated) or just a zigzag stitch on the regular ol’ sewing machine.

If unsure of how to use a serger, have your local fabric store help you out. Or, give your local sewing machine store a call and ask for a training session.

If you are still not sure, ask me! I would be happy to show you how to use both the serger and the regular ol’ old-fashioned sewing machine on my blog.

If you are using a serger, you will need to purchase two different kinds of thread. The first is polyester/nylon/trilobal thread and the second is polyester/nylon thread. The trilobal and nylon are important for tying the knots. You will also need to use the thicker polyester thread to sew the actual shade onto the roman shade frame; do not use polyester thread on your serger because it will break easily.

If you are using a sewing machine, you will need an extra spool of polyester thread (not polyester/nylon) to hand-towel your new shade.

The shades on the window in the picture below were made using one of my favorite fabrics, Impeccable. The fabric is from House Beautiful Fabrics . It’s a sturdy 100% cotton interlock that washes well and is nice and lightweight.


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